My name is Aron Saengchan and I am currently working as a Software Developer at Arcurve. I am a dual graduate at the University of Calgary, holding a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a master’s degree in Software Engineering. My prior experience includes engineering consulting and academic research through previous internships. My pivot to software was ultimately driven by my fascination with technology and I am constantly looking at how I can apply the skills I learn in innovative and meaningful ways.
A web application designed to help keep track of personal investments and individual assets in real-time
A virtual assistant bot that can be added to any Discord server for users to interact with, providing a variety of information
A login page with authentication that can be integrated into other projects
A customizable form that serves as a platform to connect buyers and suppliers for services in the oil and gas industry
Classification of dog breed images using various deep learning and AutoML methods
Sentiment classification of IMDb movie reviews using natural language processing techniques
Survival classification of passengers aboard the Titanic using a series of traditional machine learning classification models
A GUI-based student course registration system written using an MVC architecture
An interactive library portal for the Ontario Public Library System
A research study investigating initial pathways to manufacture carbon fibre from Alberta oilsands asphaltenes via melt spinning
A functional GUI designed for a filament pultruder device
A research study investigating the mechanical performance of 3D printed carbon fibre thermoplastic composites containing a high fibre volume content
A mobile mechanical robot that can successfully shoot a projectile into a target within a specified range